High Oil Temperature CAN WreaK Havoc On Your High-Performance Flat Four.Protect Your Investment With The Mishimoto Direct-Fit Oil Cooler Kit Designed Specifically For The 2008+ Subaru Wrx.The Wrx Has A Lot to Offer With ITS Turbocharged Engine And Fantastic AWD System , Bute Vehicles Are Not Factory-Equipped with an Oil Cooler.Properly Regulated Oil Temperature BECOME EVEN MORE IF YOU HAVE MODIFIED YOUR VEHICLE OR SPEND TIME Tracking Your WRX.MISHIMOTO'S Direct-Fit Oil Cooler is Engineered to Reduce Oil Temperature and Extend the Life of Your Engine.For Optimal Airflow And Cooling, This Kit Includes A Large 19-Row Cooler That Is Mounted In The Front Bumper With Robust Application-Specific Brackets.The Included CNC-Machined Aluminum Spacer Provides Ample Room for Our Oil Sandwich Plate, Making this Kit Compatible with the Factory Exhaust Manifold Heat Shields.This Kit Includes PreasMbled Stainless Steel Lines with -10an Fittings and A Thermal Reflective Wrap That Defl ECTS Radiant Heat from the Exhaust.With This Setup, Your Wrx Can Achieve A 60-Degree Drop In Oil Temperature With Minimal Pressure Loss.The Mishimoto Subaru WRX Oil Cooler Kit Is Available With A Silver Or Black Cooler and Your Choice of Standard Or Thermostatic Sandwich Plates, for Even Greater Control Over Your Oil Temperature.as with All our products, This Kit Includes The Mishimoto Lifetime Warranty.
Mishimoto, DBA Resource Intl. Inc.
Mishimoto Automotive
1515 Garnet Mine Road
Garnet Valley, PA 19060
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