The Cometic MLS (Multi Layer Steel) gasket consists of three layers of stainless steel. The outer layers are pressed and coated with stainless steel for a better seal and are resistant to corrosion. The MLS seal reduces distortion and withstands extreme pressures. Engine: NISSAN Nissan Skyline RB25DETThe Cometic MLS (Multi Layer Steel) gasket consists of three layers of stainless steel The outer layers are pressed and covered with stainless steel thanks to which they provide a better seal and are resistant to corrosion The MLS seal reduces distortion and withstands extremely high pressures.Engine: NISSAN Nissan Skyline RB25DET The Cometic MLS (Multi Layer Steel) gasket consists of three layers of stainless steel. Pressure Engine: NISSAN Nissan Sky line RB25DET & nbsp
Cometic Gasket, Inc
8090 Auburn Road
Concord, OH 44077
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