Gearbox cushion: Solid Transmition Mounts SUBARU Impreza GC / GDBlue Polyurethane 60Sh Price for 1pc 1992-2011 fits interchangeably under the serial cushion gearbox When the power increases, the torque makes it hard to drive on the serial soft cushion, our product improves gear engagement - because the structure is stiff and compact As everyone knows Subaru Impreza users have a hard time on the market for good quality gearbox cushions and windshield glue spreaders ... this is probably not the class of the car. It helps to stabilize the torque of the engine and the drive system ... 380 horsepower engine - serial cushions did not withstand. Recommended during racing on the track and city streets. Gearbox cushion: Solid Transmition Mounts SUBARU Impreza GC / GD 1992-2011 Blue Polyurethane 60ShAC Price for 1pc Fits interchangeably under the serial cushion gearbox When the power increases, the torque makes the gear hard to hit the gear on a serial soft pillow our pr Oduct improves gear engagement - because the structure is stiff and compact As all Subaru Impreza users know, it's hard to find good quality gearbox cushions on the market and windshield glue spreaders ... this is probably not the class of the car. provides better ... response. Custom-made with over 380hp engine - standard cushions did not withstand. Recommended during track races and city streets.
Silver Project Robert Madajczyk
ul. Koszalińska 36
75-900 Koszalin