The NOS installation kits are offered for those who only need the intake manifold related components from the direct injection kit. Corresponding quantities of injectors, lines, nozzles and the corresponding fittings are included. Extras included: * Maximum low-mid rpm performance * Maximum power at the highest level * Best distribution * Perfectly adjustable NOS plumbing kits are offered for those needing only the components related to the intake manifold plumbing of a direct port injection kit. Proper quantities of nozzles, lines, jets, and appropriate fittings are included. Features include: * Full traction off the line * Maximum mid-range * Maximum top-end power * Ultimate combustion * Ultimate distribution * Ultimate adjustability only need components related to the installation in the intake manifold from the direct injection kit. Correct quantities of injectors, lines, nozzles and appropriate fittings are included.
Nitrous Express and Snow Performance
5411 Seymour Hwy
Wichita Falls, TX 76310
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