The DEI.CryO2 nitrogen system is a revolutionary product designed to lower air and fuel temperatures and thus generate energy. Thanks to the science of aerodynamics and cryogenics, Design Engineering has developed a system to use the cryogenic properties of liquid CO2 in order to reduce the temperature of the load at the inlet by as much as 10 ° C. -4.5 kg CO₂ cylinder (base with a diameter of 17 cm, height 50 cm) 4.5 kg, diameter max. 18.7 cm- min.17.5 cm) - Electrovalve - braided stainless steel power cable - WOT switch - includes fittings thus generating energy. Thanks to the science of aerodynamics and cryogenics, Design Engineering has developed a system to use the cryogenic properties of liquid CO2 in order to reduce the temperature of the load at the inlet by as much as 10 ° C. -4.5 kg CO₂ cylinder (base with a diameter of 17 cm, height 50 cm) 4.5 kg, diameter max. 18.7 cm - min.17.5 cm) - Solenoid valve - stainless steel braided power cord - WOT switch - includes connectors