Connecting rods STD Renault F1N, F2N, F2R, F3N, F3P, F3R F7P, F7R 1721-1794-1763-1998cc ACL ACL Race bearings are designed to operate in the most extreme conditions and the most demanding engines. the set is ideally suited to the engine. The advanced technological process allows the bushing to adjust to the deformation occurring at high revolutions and helps in the production of hydrodynamic oil films. is also available in several other dimensions: STDX -0.025 mm (looser than nominal) STD +0.000 mm (nominal) +0.025 mm (tighter than nominal) +0.25 mm (first shaft grinding) +0.50 mm (second grinding shaft)
ACL Distribution, Inc.
357 36th Street SE
Wyoming, MI 49548
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